Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 4 Day 5

Going to be a very short one today.  Came down with the stomach flu yesterday, yuck.  I have not had this in I don't know how long.  Just watching tv and the movements on it make me queasy.  Thank goodness that I am the age that I am and that my lifestyle is such that I don't have to think about the other possibilities of being sick.

I can't keep anything down except a little bit of tea, not even soda crackers work.  So I am just going to stay in bed as much as possible and be thankful that my bathroom is less than 5 feet away.  My poor cats don't know what to think of this development, and a couple of them worry so much that they won't leave my side.
How cute is that?

I'm not even sure how I picked this bug up, it's not like I am out and about amongst people everyday.  In fact when I was I never got this.  Would end up with pnumonia and bronchitis, but never the stomach flu.

My mom is in Fargo today to see a nuerologist.  She has been having some problems with her legs giving out on her if she walks or stands to long.  This has got to be very hard on her, as she is one of those people that never stops doing something.  Hopeully they will figure it out.

Gotta go, bathroom calling my name.

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