Friday, April 23, 2010

Dandelions, what dandelions?

I am still trying to figure out what is so damn impressive about a yard full of dandelions?  They aren't good for anything, the bees and birds don't like them, they stink and they just won't go away!  The only thing they are good for is probably for making wine.  Yes, you would have to be drunk in order to drink it, but hey, it works for a lot of people.  Oh yeah, you can also eat the greens, don't like spinach, have some bitter dandelion greens.

The only reason I am going off on this is because we have some of the beautiful yellow things growing in the yard this year.  Didn't have any last year, so where did they come from over the winter months?  This is Minnesota, and as far as I know nothing grows during the winter.

Right now it is still dark out and I don't have to look at them, thank goodness.  The problem comes when the sun comes up and any and everything is visible to the human eye.  For some reason, I can't seem to get the hang of walking around with my eyes closed, I keep running into things.

Was hoping to sleep well last night, didn't happen.  Don't understand why.  Hope the insurance I applied for comes through so I can go and get it checked out.along with my back, legs and the tingling in my feet that is always there.  The only thing that doesn't need any help is probably my ears.  They seem to be fine.

Although I woke up on my side of the bed, I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't the wrong side of the bed.  I have a feeling that it will turn into a long day, I don't think that I am prepared to handle one, I know that I don't want to have one.  I have to call the hospital before going down today, if they are going to let Arlen out, I'm going to wait before I go.  Hospitals are soooooo boring.  Of course the discharge process seems to take as long as an ER visit.  We all know how long those are.

I better stop before I make it so that you don't ever want to read this again.  It's Friday, so will talk at you on Monday, have a great weekend, make the most of your time together or apart whatever the cause may be.

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