Monday, March 28, 2011

What to write, what to write

So there you have it, an inside look into my bedroom!  Not quite finished, but close enought that I am using the room.

Next couple of steps consists of:  1.  Dismatleing the old bed and  moving it to spare bedroom.
                                                   2.  Cleaning out storage shed and moving garage sale items there.
                                                   3.  Setting up new dining room.
                                                   4.  Measure, cut, install chair rails and mouldings
                                                   5.  Have garage sale (make lots of money).
                                                   6.  If enough money made - new carpet for living room.
                                                   7.  Take out dishwasher and re-place with small freezer.
                                                   8.  Lay new linoleum in kitchen.

By the time I am finished, no one will recognize the place.  Actually, I should say by the time Adam, Collin, Miranda, Amber, Lillian and I are done.  Hoping to get all the help I can.  Adam said that as long as I keep feeding him, he will gladly help out.  Wonder if that works the same with the rest?

That's about all I have today.

Thought:  When Spring does finally get here, will we recognize it?

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