Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Politics, Religion & Everything Else!

I know that a lot of people use their blogs for spouting off about politics and politicians, religion and whatever else they can think of.   I don't seem to have an opinion one way or another.  Politics is rather boring and religion, well, I think that is a very personal issue and however you want to believe is up to you.  It is not my place to force it on you, or yours to force it on me.

I get e-mails constantly from one person, sending different religion and faith messeges.  I end up just deleting them all.  My faith is mine, I know what I believe and I just don't think that I need to hear about theirs all the time.

Took a shower this morning and when I got dressed I actually put on a pair of jeans!  I haven't had jeans on in I don't know how long.  Since I have lost weight, they just fit funny and aren't comfortable.  But I thought, what the heck, I'd try it today.  As of right now they feel pretty good.

Not sure what the plan for today is other than paying a couple of bills.  I don't get it, I pay them and they just keep coming back!  Kinda like weeding in the garden or mowing the lawn, another one of those things that just never gets done all the way.  Oh to be rich and be able to pay them once a year!  Just think of all the extra money you would have the other 11 months.  SHOPPING!

Arlen's dad is doing really well.  They had him sitting up in a chair yesterday, and he figures he'll be able to go home in a couple of days.  Not.  They will hopefully keep him there to get his breathing, diabetes and sleep apnea under control.  Not to mention all his meds, and the correct way to take them.  I do know that they were going to have a Health Care Nurse coming out, hope they follow up with that.  That way there would be somebody to set up his meds and chart for him when to take them.  Right now Duane is doing that, but I think he is doing it all wrong.  If he wants to be in charge, then he really should go and take classes on how to do it, and follow them the right way.

Okay, now that I have had my couple of minutes to unload, I hope that your day goes as smooth as possible without any complications, worries or nonsense involved with life.  Have a great day.

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