Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I think I need a new picture!

Went to put a picture up on this blog, couldn't find one of myself!  Who knows, maybe I don't exist, and if I don't exist, who keeps writing this?  If you fnd out let me know by calling 1-800-She-Lives!  Of course I know you are not stupid and you realize that this number is bogus, right?

I don't know about you, but I hate having my picture taken.  I can never get my hair just right, I think that I always look heavier than I probably am, and no matter what...I just can't fake a smile.  I would much rather be the one taking the picture, just for those reasons.

I am sitting here debating whether or not I really want to take a shower.  Crazy ain't it?  If any of our numerous faucets were high enough, I would just wash my hair and be done with it, but alas, they aren't.  Not only are they not high enough, they are all made of plastic!  It just boggles my mind, you pay all this money for something only to realize later that you are paying high price or low end items.  Such is life.

They are talking about warmer weather today and then cooling off again for the rest of the week.  Sure do wish that it would even out, I have no idea how to dress for this.  The last couple of days I have had to pull some of the clothes that I put away for the season.  Just because it is Spring doesn't mean that I am going to go crazy about wearing shorts and tanks, I do like to stay warm.

I guess that now would be a good time to go all complemtative about life and my view points on certain subjects or go back and remember something from my past.  You know what I miss the most?   Of course you don't, you weren't there.  I miss laying on the fresh green grass, looking up at the sky and just watching the clouds.  Such a carefree time in life.  I also miss the one cat I had in high school.  During the winter I would get out the sled, grab the cat, and go sledding.  He actually liked it.  Can't remember the darn cats name, but do remember sledding with him.  I also miss taking out my rifle and going target shooting.  Used to be pretty good at that.  Riding bike into town, playing tennis, hanging out at Red's with friends after games and on Friday and Saturday nights.  Red's was the local pool hall/hang out spot.  The place where if you wanted to meet up with someone that is where you did it, the place that you could find out what was going on any place in the area, the place where you could be yourself without having to worry about what your parents would think.  They had either the restaurant or the bar to hang out in.

My life was pretty calm and easy, my parents lives were not, but they never let it affect us.  Lots different than now-a-days.  We try to let our kids know if things aren't going good or if they are.  If we don't have enough money to get them what they want or if somehow we can swing it.  How you have to pay bills and work in order to survive.  I am glad that I grew up as naive as I did.  In some ways it made it a lot easier and in others it was a sort of non-education as to what to expect when you got out on your own.  I'm not sure how fair I was to my own children while they were growing up.  For the most part they had to help out around the house, learn to cook, clean and do laundry.  I think looking back that I may have put too much on them and didn't let them just be the kids they should have been.  When they got old enough, they had to get jobs if they wanted to have the extra things that I couldn't give them.  This took away time from spending with their friends and just doing the nothing that kids are supposed to do.  Yes, they complained from time to time, but in the long run, they were pretty good sports about it all.

Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey if I remember right, I wanted to work. Call me crazy. :-)
