Saturday, June 19, 2010

How life changes

I will now be doing this on the weekends instead of during the week.  It is just to crazy to try and keep up with everything on a daily basis.

It's been a crazy two weeks.  Started working again.  That's great.  Hard to get used to being on my feet for that long, makes my back ache like the dickens.  Makes me feel good that I am no longer unemployed.  Last Saturday we went to Farmington for Brandon's birthday.  Had good food, good talk, good time.

Thursday I had to go in for an ultrasound on my abdomen.  Nothing wrong there.  The radiologist didn't find anything that wasn't supposed to be there.  So, that was good news.  After my initial blood work a week ago, I have been diagnosed with diabetes.  No big surprise there, it ran on both sides of my family.  Now I just have to get used to taking a pill (yep, 1 pill per day) and doing the testing.  Shouldn't be too terribly difficult to get used to.  The hardest part is going to be eating breakfast to take the pill with.  I am also suppose to have classes with a nutritionist in order to find out how often and what to eat and how much.  Does this sound like a diet?  I don't eat a lot of junk to begin with so shouldn't be very hard.  I did eat some toast this morning, and have already done my first testing.  Darn finger pricks any way.  I do have the meter that I can test on my arm or different areas of my hand.  Now just have to get in the habit of doing so.

We had some interesting weather Thursday evening.  Watch a funnel cloud out our bedroom window.  Watched it come down, watched it go back up, watched it go to the north towards Howard Lake.  I normally get really nervous about this kind of stuff, but I was so tired that day I just didn't care if it hit the house or not, as long as I got to go to sleep.  Brandon was worried about us though.  Nice to know that he cares that much.  Called to let him know that we were both ok.

I am so glad that Winstock is over and done with for another year.  Just kind of sat here and giggled about it, what with all the rain and everything.  I think I posted that in an earlier post.

Other than all that, nothing much going on.  Oh yeah, before I forget, Wednesday when I got home from work, Arlen had done the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, then he went out and mowed.  Was such a nice surprise.  Hope it keeps up.

Talk to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again on the job! It's crazy how life does a complete 180 degree flip when you start working again. At least you get your weekend free..I am still struggling with working every other weekend and having a day off during the week. I still enjoy reading your posts so keep at it! :)
