Wednesday, June 9, 2010

almost ready

The store is almost ready to open.  What little things are left can be finished after the doors open tomorrow.
My feet, legs and back are taking the brunt of it right now, so not used to being in an upright position for that long anymore.  Hopefully it gets better, if not, hopefully will get good drugs to help.  Will have to hide them from Arlen.

I am writing in a really weird format today.  Brain can't seem to get into gear and stay there, slips right back into neutral.

Had all kinds of people stopping in today.  All the vehicles outside, everyone thought the store was open.  That should be a good sign for tomorrow.  Thought at first that the credit card machines weren't going to work, they finally started, yay!  That's all we need, nobody writes checks or carries cash anymore.

Will let you know how it goes when I get home tomorrow.  Have a great evening.

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