Friday, November 12, 2010

Catching up

Have you ever had the feeling that no matter how fast you go, you will never be able to catch up?  Doesn't matter if it is with cleaning, shopping, getting in touch with family and friends, it just never happens.

There are times that I feel close, and then my time line turns a corner and loses me again.  So I go around the block looking for it, it must have ducked down an alley and jumped into a dumpster.  You think that maybe it is trying to avoid me being able to get caught up?  Can a time frame be that smart, or am I just so far behind that I can't see it?

For some odd reason I always get caught up at work, and usually have extra time for other things.  Once I get home, pfft, right down the block once again.  My mind is willing, my body not so much.  Couldn't be old age could it?

I know they (whoever they are) are always saying that you are only as old as you feel.  Is that body wise or brain wise?  Body wise I feel about 90, brain wise I don't feel much over 17.  You know young and stupid and not smart enough to know that at some time I won't be able to catch a break or catch up with anything.

Right now my only goal in life is to sleep for 8 hours straight (without having to go to the bathroom), have a clean house, a husband who actually helps out around the house, and be achy and pain free.  I don't think it is that much to ask.  Really very simple when you think about it. 

Simple doesn't seem to be a part of my life right now.  Someday it will be again.  Maybe when I get senile and can't remember that I never did get caught up.  Just think of the possible outcome,  not remembering that you have things to do, actually thinking that you have everything done and then having had time to do some more, and really, who is going to tell you different?  You won't remember it anyway!

So until that time comes (maybe it will catch up with me) I will just sit back, wave goodbye, and tell the time to kiss my ass.

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